
The coordinate class must be combined with LatLong to create a point on the celestial bodies surfaces (most commonly this is the Earth). It handles the storage of a supplied coordinate value and its conversion to radians for internal use by Calculators.

This scheme makes it easy to supply a custom coordinate parser or specify whether to use Decimal or Degrees Minutes Seconds notation from the standard set of parsers.

use Treffynnon\Navigator\Coordinate as C;
$coord = new C('5° 10\' 11.009"W', new C\DmsParser);

Custom Parser

Creating a custom parser is as simple as extending Treffynnon\Navigator\Coordinate\ParserAbstract like in this Radian parsing example

namespace YourProject\Navigator\Coordinate;
use Treffynnon\Navigator\Coordinate as C;
class RadianParser extends C\ParserAbstract {
    public function parse($coord) {
        return $coord;
    public function get($coord) {
        return $coord;

Then you can put it into action by injecting it into a coordinate instance

use YourProject\Navigator\Coordinate as YPC;
use Treffynnon\Navigator\Coordinate as C;
$coord = new C(1.2175876579, new YPC\RadianParser);

Please note the namespace YourProject\Navigator\Coordinate should be changed to reflect the real names in your project.