Quickstart Tutorial¶
Please ensure you have completed the installation instructions for the Navigator library before continuing with these quickstart tutorials.
Super Simple Example¶
This is the easiest way to get a quick distance between two points of the Earth in metres.
use Treffynnon\Navigator as N;
$distance = N::getDistance(10, 81.098, 15.6, '5° 10\' 11.009"W');
The function takes a sequence of latitude and longitude values:
N::getDistance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
Returns the distance in metres between the supplied points on Earth
Parameters: - lat1 (string or float) – The latitude of point 1
- long1 (string or float) – The longitude of point 1
- lat2 (string or float) – The latitude of point 2
- long2 (string or float) – The longitude of point 2
Return type: float
A Slightly More Advanced Example¶
To get more control over the setup of the distance calculation you can make use of the distance factory. The following snippet will give the $distance using the Haversine formula and converted to parsecs.
use Treffynnon\Navigator as N;
use Treffynnon\Navigator\Distance\Calculator\Haversine as H;
use Treffynnon\Navigator\Distance\Converter\MetreToParsec as P;
$Distance = N::distanceFactory(10, 81.098, 15.6, '5° 10\' 11.009"W');
$distance = $Distance->get(new H, new P);
N::distanceFactory(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
Get a distance instance pre-populated with the supplied sequence of latitude and longitude values
Parameters: - lat1 (string or float) – The latitude of point 1
- long1 (string or float) – The longitude of point 1
- lat2 (string or float) – The latitude of point 2
- long2 (string or float) – The longitude of point 2
Return type: TreffynnonNavigatorDistance